Hip Hop Yoga? Really?

Yes. It may seem like a contradiction, but it’s really just pure awesomeness. Or as one friend recently told me, “That sounds bleepin’ magnificent!”

As an avid yogi, I’ve been stretching and “OMing” for over three years now. It has not only helped me physically, but most importantly it has kept me sane. My fellow yoga lovers can attest to its benefits. I mean, Boston life can be stressful at times (especially when the Pats drop out of the playoffs after a rock star season). However, I do realize there is a population of folks that either think it’s overrated or too slow for their liking. If you’re an aerobics junkie, then it makes sense that yoga may not be your thing. But, I challenge you to try Hip Hop Yoga. Actually, I encourage everyone, especially the pro yoga people, to give it a try. Yoga is more than zen meditation and cross legs. It’s quite a workout. And I mean WORKOUT. If I use capital letters, I mean business.

I went this past Friday night to a class at my favorite studio ever, All One Yoga on Commonwealth Avenue, and I am hooked. You start with a warm up and then rock out to Rihanna, Jay Z, and all of their friends. It’s fast-paced and I guarantee that you will sweat (A LOT), but you will feel great afterward. And you might even have fun during.

Until next time…


p.s. I’d love to hear your opinions, positive and negative. Do you have a passion for the OM? Or would you rather P90X it up?



  1. Zig says:

    Dawn. as someone who knows your Quinlan azz. this blog is nub.
    - yours forever


  2. Sharon says:

    Can you please take me when I visit? I have never heard of such a thing but it sounds intriguing.

    By the way, love reading your blog. I demand more posts!

  3. Alice Skiba says:

    Yoga + Hip Hop, odd couple, but hey, if it’s fun I’m down. When i come up from the NYC i will be sampling this class… hook it up Dawn Quinlan! =)

  4. Zag says:


    Great Post!

    Let me know if they come out with an Usher only class, cause you know I am down!

    …and Zig… Namaste!

  5. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by ONEin3 Boston, Susan Shepherd. Susan Shepherd said: Hip Hop Yoga? Really? – ONEin3 Boston: Yes. It may seem like a contradiction, but it's really just pure awesomen… http://bit.ly/eSfZXK [...]

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