Obtain a Residential Parking Sticker
Boston’s Resident Permit Parking Program is an initiative designed to give residents a better chance of finding an on-street parking space in their neighborhood. Many of the parking spaces on Boston’s residential streets are regulated as “Resident Parking Only”.

New Balance Hubway Bikeshare Program
Hubway is your bike sharing system providing over 100 stations and 1,000 bikes available in Boston, Brookline, Cambridge, and Somerville. Grab a bike near your home or office and pedal your way to the next lunch meeting, errand or shopping trip, or to visit friends and family.

Schedules, maps, rates, and more. The official website of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority.
Water Transport
Information on transportation by sea. Including ferries to the suburbs, Cape Cod, and Harbor Islands .

Boston Parks and Recreation
The Parks & Recreation Department provides residents and visitors with clean, green, safe, and accessible open space in more than 2,200 acres of park land throughout the city.
Mass Department of Conservation and Recreation
A list of all parks and open areas in the Greater Boston area. Broken down by neighborhood and town.
Boston Redevelopment Authority: Get Involved
Sign up for Boston Redevelopment Authority’s newsletter to get information about your neighborhood and topics of your interest.

Urban Land Institute Young Leads Group
The ULI Boston District Council, Serving the Six New England States, (ULIB) is committed to advancing ULI’s Mission to “provide leadership in the responsible use of land and in creating and sustaining thriving communities” through its evolving platform as the leading real estate organization for convening and sharing best practices in our region.
Boston Public Library
Boston Public Library is the second-largest library in the United States. In addition to the main library located in Copley Square, there are 24 library branches in different neighborhood in the City of Boston.
Free (and almost free) Things to Do in the City
A curated list of free (and very cheap) things to do around Boston.

City of Boston Office of Arts and Tourism
The Mayor’s Office of Arts, Tourism & Special Events fosters the growth of the cultural community; promotes public participation in the arts and public celebrations; and advances cultural tourism in Boston.

Walks & Trails
There are a variety of free walks and trails throughout the City of Boston. It even has 3 iPod tours available in different formats.

Boston Cares Volunteer Opportunities
Boston Cares mobilizes more than 25,000 volunteers annually in support of Greater Boston schools and non-profit agencies. We offer a wide array of programs and opportunities that make it easy for you to volunteer no matter how busy your schedule is.

The United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Board Bank Database
Take a look at Volunteer Solutions, where interests become actions. Volunteer Solutions can search for a opportunities based on your interests, skills, and location.