
The Boston Urban Mechanics Program - Make An Impact on City Policy!

We say all the time here at ONEin3 that City government is an excellent place to make a direct impact on the world.

Well here’s your chance to get in the mix:

Along with Mayor Menino, we encourage graduate students to apply to the Boston Urban Mechanics Program!

The Boston Urban Mechanics Program is a fellowship and internship program with the City of Boston.  Interns and fellows with the Boston Urban Mechanics Program will have the chance to be “urban mechanics” and learn first-hand the challenges and rewards of public service in one of the nation’s most innovative city governments, led by Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino.

Fellowship assignments are two-year appointments, fellows serve as advisors to the Mayor. In addition to generating new ideas, fellows will learn about the mission and work of City departments working alongside Cabinet Chiefs, Department Heads and senior staff, while participating in professional development and educational seminars.

The Boston Urban Mechanics Program - Policy Institute is an eight week internship for graduate students in the City of Boston interested in working in public service. Interns will work in a cohort, generating and implementing creative and thoughtful new policies to benefit the City of Boston.

We have a little bit of time, but the deadlines are approaching:

Boston Urban Mechanics Program Fellows:  February 4, 2020

Boston Urban Mechanics Program Policy Institute: March 4, 2020

For more information and to apply, head here!


How to Turn an Internship into a Job

This morning, the Metro ran an article called “Turn an internship into a job” that I thought would useful to all you ONEin3ers.

The article says if you are a good, hard worker as an intern you have your foot in the door for possibly getting a position at the company you are interning for.  This is great advice, because like all internships, you may be the one performing the less glamorous jobs, but if you do them efficiently and correctly people will take notice.  So while you might be at the mid-point of your internship this semester and getting restless, remember that people are noticing your work, even the grunt work, so make the most of it.

Give it a read!


Students - We Want You to Stay Here!

Every year, hundreds of thousands of students come to Massachusetts with energy, verve, excitement and the desire to learn everything there is to know about the world.

Here at ONEin3 we understand the value that we young people and students bring to Boston. This city just wouldn’t be the same without us because we’re cool, interesting and ambitious.

SO, we are proud to join our friends at the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in asking you to  after you graduate!

To top it off, the Stay Here team has put together two incredible resources to help you live life to the fullest as a student and to help you find that perfect job or internship that keeps you here.

We love you in Boston and Massachusetts. Please stay and enjoy our great state with us!



HumpDay JobDay: Lauren's Debut

This is the first in a series of blogs that I will be writing for ONEin3Boston to share insights on career paths, internships, full time jobs, and trends relevant to these areas. In short, I’ll be one of your guides to Humpday Jobday!

All of us ONEin3ers are fortunate to be living in Boston because there is so much entrepreneurial activity in a variety of sectors including technology, life sciences and clean tech.  We’re really in a hotbed of innovation and startups. Right now, we have countless opportunities to meet new people and to learn about the emerging companies that form every day.

For startups and established companies in technology, life sciences and clean tech, many different skill sets are needed all the way from pure technical skills to sales and marketing, finance and administration, graphic design and web design – and this is just a sampling. These companies place a premium on hiring young people who can solve problems, are eager to learn and multi-task, and who can work in a dynamic team environment.

